The Artist’s Book and Bookbinding
Instructor: Robert Rowe
Department: Printmaking
Explore a range of materials and techniques for making creative artists’ books and custom journals. Learn unique binding methods and paper and leather treatments. In this series of five classes, you will complete two hard-cover books. Tuesday evening 6:00 to 9:00. All essential materials are provided, although you may supplement these with items or materials that have personal significance.
Cost: $100
Tuesday evenings, 6:00-9:00 pm
January 9, 16, 23, 30, and February 6, 2024
Class One: Paper preparation: folding, printing and stamping
Class Two: Artist’s book with exposed sewing
Class Three: Leather preparation for Book Binding
Class Four: Hard-cover leather drop-spine journal
Class Five: Workday to complete projects
Ages 16+
Materials: All materials provided
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