Peoria Women NOW

Peoria Women NOW is a Peoria Art Guild exhibit in collaboration with Big Picture Initiative and is part of a broader series of satellite events surrounding the Peoria Symphony Orchestra's November 20th concert at the Peoria Civic Center Theater, HerStory: A Musical Tribute to Betty Friedan, where there will be a world premiere of music composed in honor of the internationally famous Peorian Betty Friedan for the centennial of her birth. Credited with starting the second wave of feminism, Friedan authored “The Feminine Mystique” and co-founded the National Organization for Women (NOW). Playing on the concept of NOW, this exhibit celebrates the work of contemporary central Illinois women artists and what they have contributed to our local arts community.

Welcoming Peoria Women Artists:

Lisa Nelson Raabe

Natalie Jackson

Duffy Armstrong

Trish Williams

Cathie Crawford

Ann Conver

Ann Coulter

Barb Hoffman

Hattie Lee

Morgan Mullen

Chantell Marlow

Brenda Gentry

Pat Keck

Adrienne Risby

Heather Brammeier